Unlock unprecedented speed and connectivity beyond traditional Python Pandas programs. Discover Python Ibis, a powerful toolset created by the original developers of Pandas, designed to seamlessly connect with over 15 data sources, effortlessly blend Python and SQL, and optimize workflows both locally and remotely. Transform your data processes, save hundreds of hours, and achieve superior solutions with the modern data framework that Python Ibis provides.
The Modern Data Stack Meets Python
+ Ibis is Written by the Same Team That Built Pandas
+ Programs that run 5x faster locally and 100’s of times faster on cloud databases
+ The end of dreaded memory errors
Analyze 100GB on a Laptop
+ By using sophisticated local databases with Ibis, move past in-memory limits with ease
+ Seamlessly port this work between your laptop and remote data sources, just change the connection details!
Data Flowing Seamlessly Between Python and Databases
+ Seamlessly flow between cloud databases and Python
+ If you know Python, you can write optimized SQL, Ibis is your smart translator
Build Production Ready Pipelines on a Laptop
+ Seamlessly port this work between your laptop and remote data sources, just change the connection details!
+ Inline already built SQL as needed within Ibis workflows.
+ Easily convert your Ibis workflows as target-specific SQL for use in other systems.
No More Dread When They Ask, “Now Run It With ALL THE DATA”
+ Just change connection details and comment out any volume limits or filters used for dev.
+ Export target-specific SQL to run in external schedulers, as appropriate.
+ Now that your work is future-proof, new systems will be added as they pop up.
Expand the Python Community to Include Analysts & DBAs
+ Python Pandas is powerful, but somewhat obscure to other potential collaborators that are experience with SQL.
+ Since Ibis easily incorporates SQL into workflow, but offers powerful ways to build complex workflows, you can expand the user base going beyond inferior approaches like Excel & other non-scalable analysis tools.
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